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After School Clubs – Spring 1 Half Term

Dear Parents and Carers,


Please find attached the clubs we are offering at Lessness Heath for the Spring 1 half term, including dates, times, and costs (if any – some are free!)


Please note that some clubs are only being offered to specific age ranges/year groups.


Please pay close attention to the ‘How to sign up’ section of the table on the next page as this does vary depending on whether or not the club has a cost or is run by an outside provider. For Lessness internal clubs, simply click on the link and complete the form.


We will operate on a first come first serve basis and children who do not receive a place will be placed on a waiting list.


If your child attended one of our continuing clubs from the last half term, please apply again so we know that your child intends to continue with their place.


All sign-ups must be completed by Monday 2nd January, please.


Yours sincerely,


Mr. R. Jackson

Assistant Headteacher


Direct Links to School Clubs Booking Forms


LKS2 Times Table Rockstars


UKS2 Coding Club


KS1 Irish Dancing & Language


KS2 Gardening Club




Wave Gymnastics


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