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Nursery 2024

Nursery New Starters - 2024


A big hello to all those children and their families joining our Nursery classes in September 2024!  Please see the letter below which contains important information from our early years team about your child starting with us. 



Please ensure all admissions paperwork is with us before Monday 24th June 2024. Including:

  • Online admissions form (link below)
  • Two proofs of address (e.g. council tax or utility bills)
  • Copy of birth certificate (we will still need to see the original at the meeting)
  • Tapestry form
  • Bexley Early Years Funding form
  • Cool milk (if required)
  • Free school meal (pupil premium) application (if eligible)


Please email all paperwork to

Admissions Form

Bexley Early Years Funding Parent Declaration


Cool Milk

Pupil Premium Application


If you receive certain benefits, you may be able to access Pupil Premium funding and access free school meals and other initiatives such as supermarket vouchers and free activities during the school holidays. This is different to Universal Free School Meals which Reception and KS1 children are eligible for, and the Free School Meal funding provided by the Mayor of London for KS2. If you think you qualify for this funding please fill out the form on the London Borough of Bexley's website here:

Contact Us:
