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Religious Education

At Lessness Heath Primary School we use the Discovery R.E. scheme as the basis for our Religious Education learning. It gives our children exposure to the major world faiths as well as the children's own beliefs, values and experiences. Sessions follow an enquiry-based approach centred around key questions and touch on many aspects of the daily lives of those following different faiths. We also consider special celebrations, places of worship and traditions for a range of religions throughout the primary phase. We aim to enrich our children with a sound understanding of others through each lesson, helping them to understand how differences should be celebrated.


One core aim of our approach to R.E. learning is to enrich our children with the cultural capital they need to be mindful of the wonderful variety of religious beliefs that stretch across our globe and that hopefully, they will encounter in their futures.


We want our children to show tolerance and understanding for the beliefs of others, considering how others' lives may be different to their own and celebrating the wealth of diversity that we enjoy in the United Kingdom and beyond. As part of our Lessness Legacy enrichment project, we also aim to take the children to places of worship for all 6 major world religions during their time with us.


Within each unit, our children are guided by a 4 phase enquiry approach to learning through the Discovery R.E. scheme, helping them to develop critical thinking skills and consider how their understanding has changed over the course of their learning journey:




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