School Day
New Drop Off Arrangements from October 30th 2023
School Times from January 2023
Year | Start | End | |
Ducklings 1 | Mon & Tues | 8.50 am | 3.20 pm |
Weds AM | 8.50 am | 10.50 am | |
Ducklings 2 | Weds PM | 1.20 pm 8.50 am | 3.20 pm 3.20 pm |
Thurs & Fri | |||
Reception | 8.50 am | 3.10 pm | |
Year 1 | 8.50 am | 3.15 pm | |
Year 2 | 8.50 am | 3.15 pm | |
Year 3 | 8.50 am | 3.20 pm | |
Year 4 | 8.50 am | 3.20 pm | |
Year 5 | 8.50 am | 3.20 pm | |
Year 6 | 8.50 am | 3.20 pm |
We offer 15 hours in our nursery provision and up to 32.5 hours in the main school.
Please note that we may need to run a different schedule due to local Covid-19 restrictions. Please respect our neighbours when travelling to and from school and when parking on local streets.
Arriving at School
The main school gate on Erith Road will be open to all families to enter and exit the school grounds at 8:40 am. Parents must wait with their children until classrooms open.
For Key Stage 1 & 2 children, doors into the school building are opened between 8:50 am & 9 am. Parents must stay with their children until they have entered the main school site.
Reception children can be dropped off between 8:50 am & 9:00 am at the main school office.
Nursery children can be dropped off between 8:50 am & 9:00 am at the nursery gate.
We recommend that parents doing multiple drop-offs that they start with their older children.
On Wednesdays, Duckling 1 are to be collected at 10.50am at the back gate on Hoddesdon Road. Ducklings 2 class starts at 1.20 pm and will be dropped off on Hoddesdon Road.
School begins at 9 am. Any children arriving after this will be marked as late.
Morning Breaks
Key Stage 1 – 10.30am – 10.45am
Key Stage 2 – 10.50am – 11.05am
Children are welcome to bring a healthy snack to eat at this time. This should either be a fruit or vegetable snack in accordance with our Healthy School ethos.
Nursery – 12-1pm
Reception – 12-1pm
Year 1 – 12.10pm – 1.10pm
Year 2 – 12.20pm – 1.20pm
Years 3, 4, 5 & 6 – 12.30pm – 1.30pm
Lunch break lasts for one hour and children have the choice of ordering a school meal or bringing a packed lunch.
All children in Reception, Year 1 and Year 2 are eligible for universal free school meals, and older children may be eligible if their parents receive certain benefits. Years 3-6 will receive free school meals for the current academic year (23/24) which are funded by the Mayor of London. If you think you may be eligible for free school meals, please contact the school office.
Packed lunches should be healthy and balanced meals. Children should not have chocolate, sweets, milkshakes or fizzy drinks in their lunchboxes and we also ask that parents avoid giving nuts, including peanut butter and Nutella. This is due to the risk to those children with severe allergies.
End of the Day
Key Stage 1: 3.15 pm
Key Stage 2: 3.20 pm
Reception: 3.15 pm
Nursery: 3.20 pm
Both front and back school gates are opened at 3.10 pm, allowing parents access to both playgrounds. Parents are welcome to walk between playgrounds via the top path past the school hall during this time. Parents are welcome to wait on the playground if they need to collect multiple children.
Years 1, 2, 3 (Except Hummingbird class), 5 and 6: dismissed by class teachers from the top playground at the times above.
(Year 6 children are permitted to walk home alone if parents have given permission. No other year groups are permitted to walk home alone under any circumstances – all children must be collected by an adult.)
Year 4 & Hummingbird Class: Dismissed at their classroom doors at 3.20pm.
Reception: 3.15 pm
Nursery: 3.20 pm
Reception and Nursery are picked up from the back playground.
On Wednesdays, Ducklings 1 class finishes at 10.50am.
If you would like any more information about our school day please email the school office: