Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND)
Pupils with SEND and English as an additional Language (EAL)
Lessness Heath Primary School has many pupils who have EAL and a variety of languages are spoken at home. In accordance with Education Regulations 2014; Particulars of education and welfare provision for pupils with EHC plans and pupils for whom English is an additional language, the School will make reasonable adjustments and provision to support any child for whom English is not the first language spoken at home.
The range of support offered will always be designed to promote pupils working towards becoming independent and resilient lifelong learners. The details on this page will help you to find out more about how we support our pupils with SEND throughout the school.
Inclusion – Pupils with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities
The term Special Educational Needs’ has a statutory meaning as defined in the 1988 Education Act. The 1993 Act places a particular responsibility on schools to fulfil their duties. The needs of all pupils within the school who have special educational needs will be addressed. Such pupils will have the greatest possible access to a broad and balanced education including the National Curriculum.
The class teacher is responsible for providing most of the special needs teaching but when it is deemed more beneficial children may be withdrawn for help on an individual or group basis. When necessary, expert help from external sources may be called upon. For a very few pupils it may be necessary to proceed to the formal assessment stage which will involve the Local Education Authority. The school has a member of staff who is designated as the SENCO (Special Educational Needs Co-ordinator). Parents who have particular concerns are invited to meet with the SENCO.
SEN Local Offer
At Lessness Heath, we believe that successful inclusion should result in every pupil feeling safe, confident and happy at school. Successful inclusion should see every pupil making the best progress of which they are able and enjoying their time at school – be that in lessons, during their play or lunchtimes or when involved in any of our Extended School activities. Successful inclusion should promote every pupil’s belief in themselves as learners and valued members of our school community.
Below you will find a link to the Local Authority’s Local Offer. This website highlights the ways in which Bexley Local Authority can support all children, including those with disabilities and/or special educational needs (DSEN).