Art & Design
Our vision at Lessness Heath is to create a school of passionate and creative students who have the skills and the knowledge they need to understand and enjoy the art around them as well as be able to express themselves artistically. We have developed a rich Art curriculum which empowers our children with knowledge of artists, sculptors and varying styles of Art, as well as providing exciting and purposeful opportunities to develop their artistic skills and explore art techniques and materials. We pay particular attention to ensuring our Art Curriculum represents and promotes appreciation of artists and art styles from varying cultures, backgrounds and influences so that our children understand that art comes from and is for all.
In order for art to gain the proper momentum and for the students to become fully immersed in their work, we hold a half-termly Art week where the majority of the week is spent working towards an artistic outcome. The week begins with an introduction to an artist and a style of Art - we delve into their world and unpick their motivations. We learn about the life of the artists and the journey to developing this piece of artwork or style of Art. Children then begin to plan their work in sketchbooks that we as a school pride ourselves on, children will design, plan and annotate their work thoroughly before moving on to the next step.
Skills are then developed in practical practice lessons; children learn how to use the tools needed and have time to mature these skills. Finally, children begin working on their outcomes, by this point the children have a deep understanding and connection to this piece of work and the outcomes are exceptional.
Children are given the opportunity to display their work in gallery events we
hold for parents. Class artwork is displayed around the classroom and parents are invited into the school to see their child’s work. It is no longer something that sits on the shelf in the classroom until the end of term, it is a piece of work they have worked immensely hard on being displayed for all to see. We also display pieces of art around the school and update these regularly, helping to enrich our school environment.