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Mathematics - Our Approach

Providing our pupils with a rich and engaging curriculum is at the heart of our

Mathematics teaching at Lessness Heath. By developing language and oracy, students are given the tools to express their ideas and articulate solutions to problems. By building on previous knowledge, we ensure our pupils are confident, enjoy their learning and have strong mathematical foundations. 



Lessons are personalised to the needs of all pupils and the use of the White Rose Maths scheme of learning ensures that all pupils receive full curriculum coverage. Using WRM and the Ready To Progress criteria, pupils are given many opportunities to be successful.  Along with this, we pair a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract approach along with a mastery approach to ensure that all students build a strong understanding of mathematical concepts before moving on to the next. Additionally, daily recaps form an important part of retrieval practice which helps pupils to transfer important concepts from their working memory and store it in their long-term memory. 



Each new unit begins with an Immersion into the domain - children are exposed to manipulatives and language, ensuring real-life links, and giving children a purpose to the concepts that there are learning. It is important for us that the children are immersed in their learning and much of this comes from enjoyment. Many of our immersions happen around our school grounds with children conducting nature surveys or measuring the area and perimeter of your different gardens; transforming our classrooms into restaurants as our children manage budgets or planning and executing enterprise projects that raise money for Year group projects. 



Even when teachers are given the freedom to structure learning to the needs of their classes, lessons follow a familiar, consistent, and predictable structure to ensure that extraneous information doesn’t get in the way of learning. Good practice is regularly shared between the staff through staff meetings, moderations or continued professional development. Teachers plan as year groups and take into consideration the needs of their own individual classes as well as the journey of the whole cohort. 


Mathematics forms a vital part of our everyday life, and it is vital that our children leave us compassionate and productive members of the community who flourish as well as help others to thrive. 

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