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Home School Agreement

The agreement between you, your child and the School


The agreement between you, your child and the school (the Home – School Agreement) seeks to identify the expectations and responsibilities of all members of our community so that we can all work together to achieve the best for our children.


AchievementPraise children for hard work and achievement in their learning. Provide appropriate learning activities in a relevant and broad curriculumTalk to my child about what they have learnt at school each day.


Focus on positives.

Try my best at all times
ResponsibilityEncourage all children to be independent. Make decisions for the benefit of the school community as a whole.Encourage my child to be independent as appropriate to their age. Accept that decisions in school may not always suit an individual but are made for the benefit of the whole school.Do things to help myself and others.
RespectDemonstrate respect for all members of our school community, speaking calmly and politely at all times. Expect all members of our community to care for our school environment and for everything within it.Demonstrate respect for all members of our school community, speaking calmly and politely at all times. Help my child understand how to look after the school environment and their own and others’ property.Be kind and polite to everyone. Look after our school. Take care of property that belongs to me, other people, or the school.
HappinessCelebrate the talents and achievements of children and staff. Ensure we let parents know about some of the positives.Celebrate my child’s achievements. Let the school know the things it’s doing well, as well as those it can improve.Say kind words. Tell people when they do something good.
HomeworkProvide homework appropriate to needs, ability and age.Provide a quiet space and time for my child to do their homework.Do homework on time.
Readiness for learningReinforce the importance of healthy lifestyles including sleep, exercise and a healthy diet. Maximise learning by ensuring that lessons are well planned and resourced. Have clear expectations.Ensure my child gets enough sleep, has a good breakfast and the correct equipment for school.Go to bed when my parents/ carers ask me to. Make sure I bring all the things I need to school.
Attendance and punctualityStart lessons on time. Reward good attendance. Make every effort to find out why a child is absent from school. Inform parents if attendance falls below acceptable levels. Work with other agencies to help families improve attendanceEnsure my child arrives on time every day for school and is collected promptly at the end of the day. Inform the school if my child is going to be absent. Only arrange holidays during school holiday periods.Help my parents get me to school on time. Get to lessons on time.
Behaviour and disciplineBe good role models and teach children about positive ways to act and react. Deal with behaviour incidents as quickly as possible after they are reported. Manage behaviour incidents as fairly as possible, and in line with school policy, taking into account the various points of view. Identify appropriate consequences or rewards.Be good role models and remind children about positive ways to act and react. Understand that there may be two (or more) sides to a story. Support school staff in fair implementation of the behaviour policy.Behave well and always tell the truth. Report incidents to school staff as soon as they happen. Accept the consequences for my actions.
Information sharingMake arrangements to discuss issues with parents as soon as possible. Report to parents about their child’s learning, behaviour and achievements. Keep parents informed about school news and events. Share information with other agencies to ensure the health, safety and wellbeing of all children.Contact the class teacher in the first instance if I have a query. If appropriate, my query will be passed on. Ensure the school has up to date contact details for me. Keep the school fully informed about any issues which may affect my child’s learning. Tell an adult if something important or worrying happens.Tell an adult if something important or worrying happens.
Health and SafetyProvide a safe and caring environment. Take action to address identified health and safety issues.Draw any concerns about health and safety to the attention of school staff.Tell an adult if I feel ill or have been hurt. Help the school to keep me safe by following rules and reporting anything I think is unsafe.


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