Pupil Representatives
Pupil Parliament
Pupil Parliament members have been elected by their peers to represent the views of their classes and to help in decision making about aspects of school life. We meet regularly to discuss ideas of how the school could be improved and what we can do to help.
So far this year, the Pupil Parliament have helped to raise money for new playground equipment in partnership with our wonderful P.T.A.
Eco Warriors
Children who are passionate about helping their environment were elected by their peers to create a group called the Eco Warriors.
The Eco Warriors aim to raise awareness about how to care for our environment and promote ways for the school to be more eco-friendly.
So far, the Eco Warriors have gone litter picking in the local area, recycled crisp packets and have been working hard to help our school grounds to shine. They still have lots more ideas for how to reduce the impact our school has on the environment so watch this space!
Wellbeing Ambassadors
At Lessness Heath, our Wellbeing Ambassadors have shown a real interest in championing positive mental health and wellbeing for all pupils. We make sure that every child is happy through supporting their social, emotional, physical and mental wellbeing.
At Lessness Heath we:
- Help children feel comfortable by sharing any concerns or worries they may have.
- Help children develop their self-esteem and self-confidence.
- Help children form positive relationships through developing their social skills
- Help children to understand their emotions and develop emotional resilience.
Our Wellbeing ambassadors play a vital role in achieving these goals and support many children across the school.