School Day Timings for Spring 2022
Dear Parents and Carers,
I hope you all had an enjoyable half term break. I cannot believe how quicky that week off seems to fly by!
During the COVID pandemic, we had to make several changes to the start and finish times of our school day. This was to enable us to trickle the children in and out of school in the safest way possible.
However we are now thankfully in a position whereby we can resume normality. In light of this, we are making some slight changes to the school day to be back in line with expectations.
Please note these changes will not be put in place until the start of the Spring Term, in January 2023.
Nursery – 8.50am – 3.20pm (Wednesday 8.50am – 10.50am / 1.20pm – 3.20 pm)
Reception – 8.50am – 3.10pm
Year 1 – 8.50am – 3.15pm
Year 2 – 8.50am – 3.15pm
Year 3 – 8.50am – 3.20pm
Year 4 – 8.50am – 3.20pm
Year 5 – 8.50am – 3.20pm
Year 6 – 8.50am – 3.20pm
Any children arriving in school after 9.00am will receive a late mark. Doors will open at 8.50am and will close at 9.00am which gives you plenty of time if you need to make your way to the back playground to drop off EYFS children following children being dropped into the front of the school.
Reception children finish at the slightly earlier time of 3.10pm to allow you time to come round to the front playground it needed. Nursery finish at the slightly earlier time of 3.20pm to allow you time to collect from the front playground first.
Please note that Reception and Nursery children will still be dropped and collected from the back playground and Key Stage 1 and 2 from the front playground.
Yours Sincerely,
Miss Bolton