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New School Times for January 2023

Dear parents and carers, just a quick reminder of our new timings for the start of the Spring term on Tuesday January 3rd 2023. 


Nursery – 8.50am – 3.20pm (Wednesday 8.50am – 10.50am / 1.20pm – 3.20 pm)

Reception – 8.50am – 3.10pm

Year 1 – 8.50am – 3.15pm

Year 2 – 8.50am – 3.15pm

Year 3 – 8.50am – 3.20pm

Year 4 – 8.50am – 3.20pm

Year 5 – 8.50am – 3.20pm

Year 6 – 8.50am – 3.20pm


Any children arriving in school after 9.00am will receive a late mark. Doors will open at 8.50am and will close at 9.00am which gives you plenty of time if you need to make your way to the back playground to drop off EYFS children following children being dropped into the front of the school.


Kind regards


The School Office

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