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Monday 12th December 2022 - School is open. Please take care on untreated surfaces.

Dear Parents / Carers,


My Site manager has carried out a Risk Assessment of the site today and I can confirm that the school will be open. However, there will be a few changes to our normal day:


  1. Only the front gate of the school will be open, not the back. There will be a clear path created so that all children can enter the school safely.
  2. Children will not be going out at playtime or lunchtime.
  3. If you chose to send your child to school - they will not be playing outside in the snow. Please prepare them for this before you bring them in!


If parents choose to keep their children at home today, I will of course authorise this absence - just make sure you contact the office to let us know. How often do we get snow like this for the children to play in? I’m therefore more than happy for you to keep them at home and let them enjoy the snow! Although we will do all we can to make the site as safe as possible please be careful on your way to us if you do decide to bring your children in.


Stay safe,

Miss Bolton

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