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Holiday Activities Food Programme - Summer Holiday Programme

The London Borough of Bexley delivers the Holiday Activities and Food (HAF) programme which the Department for Education is funding. The programme provides activities and healthy food for school-aged children and young people from Reception to Year 11 who are eligible for benefits-related Free School Meals (FSM). The events run during school holidays.


Summer Holiday Programme

Between Monday 25 July and Friday 26 August, eligible children and young people will be able to attend up to 16 days at different holiday schemes across Bexley at no cost. The programme will include a variety of fun activities, including sports, food-making activities, arts and crafts and other exciting opportunities to learn and develop skills, alongside a nutritious meal each day.


The activities on the link below are being offered through the HAF-funded programme in Bexley. Places are free for children and young people in receipt of benefits-related Free School Meals. Paid for places are also available at some of the schemes for those not eligible for the free places. The activities are accessible to all eligible children, and booking information is stated under each activity.

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