End of Term Arrangements
Dear Parents / Carers,
Tomorrow (Wednesday 20th December) is the last day of term, and we will be finishing school at 2pm.
Our PTA is holding a non-school uniform day in school tomorrow, and there will be buckets on the gates for voluntary donations. The PTA have recently purchased a new sound system for our school hall allowing events such as the Christmas productions and class assemblies to run smoothly. We are incredibly lucky to have such a supportive PTA here at Lessness Heath and the contributions they make are invaluable.
From 1.30pm tomorrow we will be inviting parents into school and offering you the chance to see your child’s classroom and recent school work. This will include their preparation and evaluation from our recent DT Week.
EYFS children (Nursery and Reception) will have their learning journeys ready to share as well as their Christmas crafts. Nursery staff will be carrying out a short stay and play session from 10.30 - 10.50am, due to the morning only session. Nursery parents, please enter via the main office as normal.
If you have children in more than one class, please feel free to move around the school visiting the different classrooms.
Please note that this is not a time for parents to speak to class teachers about their children’s progress.
The front gates will be open from 1.30pm and will be supervised throughout by school staff. At 1.55pm we will ask you to leave the classrooms and return to the school playground so that we can dismiss the children at 2pm in a safe and secure way.
Miss Bolton