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Spanish teaching at Lessness Heath reflects our focus on developing communication as a key skill for life, as well as nurturing critical thinkers and natural enquirers. It allows pupils to develop their curiosity of other languages and cultures and equips them for a future in a globally connected workplace. We have chosen to teach Spanish in our school as it is spoken across the world and could open many doors for our learners in later life.


Our Spanish curriculum is designed to foster an interest in learning another language, introducing young learners to a rich language environment in an enjoyable and fun way. It helps learners to understand cultural differences between here and other countries as well as develop a pupil’s speaking and listening skills.


In KS2, pupils learn Spanish through speaking, listening, and reading from a range of texts and writing, as well as a focus on grammar and presenting ideas in spoken and written contexts.


As well as learning the language itself, all children explore and appreciate different Spanish-speaking countries and their cultures to develop their cultural understanding.


This is achieved mainly through our annual Spanish Day, coordinated by the Spanish Lead teacher, where each class is immersed in the culture of a different Spanish-speaking country for the day, but also through other activities to celebrate Hispanic cultural traditions throughout the calendar year.

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