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Homework refers to any work or activity that pupils are asked to do outside lesson time, either on their own or with parents / carers.




  • To ensure consistency of approach to setting homework throughout the school
  • To ensure that parents are clear about what their child is expected to do and to support the parents/carers in knowing how to help their child
  • To encourage pupils and their parents/carers to share and enjoy learning together
  • To improve the quality of the learning experience
  • To give pupils opportunities to practise, consolidate and further develop core skill


At Lessness, we have changed our homework policy to link to our new curriculum and in response to research that suggests homework has no effect on the progress of children’s learning. Our children are able to expand their learning about the topic they are being taught and also increase their experiences in the topic. The homework we set, more importantly, is intended to be designed so that you are able to spend time completing homework with your child and supporting the expansion of their knowledge and skills in different areas.


Every half term, your child will come home with a new list of possible activities to complete and each activity is given a value dependent on the effort and time needed to complete the task. Your child is able to bring in their completed homework over the half term and this will be acknowledged by their teacher and marked on the homework chart so that their total homework points can be collated throughout the term. At the end of the half term, the class teacher will total the homework points for the class and you will receive a slip to tell you how many points your child received each half term. From this term we will be looking at the effort and time put into homework and rewarding children with the highest homework points.

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