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Welcome to the Governance Section


Welcome to the Governance Section of the website. I am pleased to introduce the governing body of the school and to tell you something about our role and responsibilities and the work we do.


We work very closely with the Head Teacher and the Senior Leadership Team but, while the school staff have responsibility for the day-to-day management of the school, our role is strategic in nature. This means that we are responsible for setting the strategic direction of the school in consultation with the Head Teacher. We are also responsible for safeguarding, holding the Head Teacher to account for the day-to-day management of the school and the pupils’ progress and achievements. We also have a responsibility to understand how funds are spent and ensure that investments are aligned with our development plan, as well as helping to appoint staff, including the Head Teacher.


Throughout the year, in practice, this is achieved through structured meetings and monitoring visits. We have meetings with the Head Teacher and Senior Leaders to discuss successes and areas of future development. We also invite senior and middle leaders to our meetings to share with us the work they do and to respond to Governance Partners’ questions. Governance Partners visit the school as part of their monitoring role, with a specific focus that is based upon identified areas in the School’s Improvement Plan.  They talk to teachers and pupils about their work and present a written report of their visit at Governance Partner Meetings. School data is a key element in providing information that shows pupils’ progress and achievements and is presented regularly at our Meetings, along with any reports regarding quality assurance.  It is important to note that, while this information is vital in informing us how well the school is performing, no individual’s names are included and the data remains generic in nature. This work allows us, through a positive relationship with staff and pupils, to really get to know the school and its work and to ensure that the education the children receive is of high quality and the school continues on its successful journey.


As part of the Primary First Trust, Governance Partners have the opportunity to work with other school Governance Partners from the Trust and attend various joint meetings and conferences. This ensures that we are all working together to fulfil the aims and outcomes jointly agreed for all Trust schools and that Governance Partners’ continue to have a voice in shaping the work of the Trust.


We are committed as a governance body to ensuring continuous professional development and governance partners are encouraged to make full use of the specific training available through both the Primary First Trust and the Local Authority.   This training helps us to fulfil our roles as Governance Partners. We also bring with us a range of skills and experiences varying from business skills and skills and knowledge as professional educators as well as local knowledge as parents, staff and local people. What we all have in common is enthusiasm and a commitment as governors to ensure that our school provides high-quality education in a caring and stimulating environment, where all the children progress and achieve their potential.


Eloise Foster

Chair of Governance Partnership Board 

Lessness Heath Primary School


If you wish to contact the Chair, please address your letter to:


Ms Eloise Foster (Chair)
c/o Mrs Sarah Phillipson (Clerk)
The Primary First Trust
The White House
Clifton Marine Parade
Gravesend  DA11 0DY

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