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Physical Education

At Lessness Heath Primary we believe that Physical Education goes beyond merely learning how to play a range of sports. We know that it can be used as a powerful tool which can develop every child holistically - physically, mentally and personally.


With the assistance of Create Development's Real P.E. scheme, we follow a consistent, unique, child-centred approach to P.E. with challenges and support entwined in the fabric of lessons. Real P.E. equips the children of Lessness Heath Primary School with skills such as physical Literacy, emotional understanding, psychological awareness and social competency to achieve not just sport and exercise, but in life.


We work on the development of the individual child with the following focuses: agility, balance and coordination, healthy competition and cooperation. These are not taught by ‘Sports or Topics’ but by ‘cogs’ - please see below:



In P.E. sessions, every conversation, experience, encounter and memory is designed to be focused around the 6 cogs and therefore links into the core aims of the programme.


Our aim is to develop skills that are essential for all children in P.E. sessions as well as across the curriculum.  Each cog has clear links to our overall intent and helps our children to develop into active citizens in the future who understand themselves and how to lead healthy lives.

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